PDF Hatha Yoga Pradipika Translation with Notes from Krishnamacharya A G Mohan Ganesh Mohan 9789811131332 Books

PDF Hatha Yoga Pradipika Translation with Notes from Krishnamacharya A G Mohan Ganesh Mohan 9789811131332 Books


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Download PDF Hatha Yoga Pradipika Translation with Notes from Krishnamacharya A G Mohan Ganesh Mohan 9789811131332 Books

The Hatha Yoga Pradipika, authored in the 15th century is one of the most well-known texts on physical yoga. This translation offers unique perspectives and insight from Sri T. Krishnamacharya, who had perhaps the most influence in physical yoga in the modern era. Drawing upon extensive notes of private studies with Krishnamacharya, his long time student, A. G. Mohan, presents critical analysis unavailable in any other translation to date. This translation includes summaries, notes on which practices may be more or less useful or even harmful, and comparisons to the Gheranda Samhita. This book is a worthwhile read and companion to any serious yoga aspirant, especially those interested in knowing what one of the most influential yogis of the modern times had to say on the esoteric practices of hatha yoga on pranayama, mudras, and bandhas.

PDF Hatha Yoga Pradipika Translation with Notes from Krishnamacharya A G Mohan Ganesh Mohan 9789811131332 Books

"I've tried to read this text in other forms before but it made very little sense. This version however is clear, insightful, and practical. It puts these practices into context and provides the essence of Hatha Yoga. It also gives great pointers from Sri Krishamachaya. A must for any Yogi/Yogini on the path👍🏼👍🏼"

Product details

  • Paperback 164 pages
  • Publisher Svastha Yoga (May 8, 2017)
  • Language English
  • ISBN-10 9811131333

Read Hatha Yoga Pradipika Translation with Notes from Krishnamacharya A G Mohan Ganesh Mohan 9789811131332 Books

Tags : Hatha Yoga Pradipika Translation with Notes from Krishnamacharya [A. G. Mohan, Ganesh Mohan] on . The Hatha Yoga Pradipika, authored in the 15th century is one of the most well-known texts on physical yoga. This translation offers unique perspectives and insight from Sri T. Krishnamacharya,A. G. Mohan, Ganesh Mohan,Hatha Yoga Pradipika Translation with Notes from Krishnamacharya,Svastha Yoga,9811131333,HEALTH FITNESS / Yoga

Hatha Yoga Pradipika Translation with Notes from Krishnamacharya A G Mohan Ganesh Mohan 9789811131332 Books Reviews :

Hatha Yoga Pradipika Translation with Notes from Krishnamacharya A G Mohan Ganesh Mohan 9789811131332 Books Reviews

  • Lord knows there is no dearth of translations of the Hatha Yoga Pradipika. Along with the Bhagavad Gita, Yoga Sutras and the I Ching, the available versions of the HYP are legion. The real question is which translation or version is worthwhile. This one here definitely IS.

    There are many aspects to this version of the HYP which make it the preferred translation.

    One, the quality of the translation. To this untrained aspirant, unlearned in Sanskrit, this translation flows easily, and is expressed in crisp, clear English, avoiding unnecessary technical words.

    Two, the essentials of the text are here. While there is the original Sanskrit and Roman transliteration, along with the English, this translation does not have a word-for-word glossary after every entry. While such glossaries may be helpful in translations of the Vedas, for the HYP, these word-for-word glossaries are not critical to an understanding of the mantra and unnecessary.

    Three, this translation contains the gloss of that Master Guru, Krishnamacharya. The translator of this text, A.G. Mohan, had been a disciple of Krishnamacharya, for many years. Mohan kept notes of his commentaries, and these notes are included on selected entries.

    Four, Krishnamacharya’s commentaries do not overwhelm. There are many translations of the HYP which, in addition to the word-for-word glossary of every entry, contain commentaries of every single entry. Really, this is unnecessary. Krishnamacharya’s commentaries, when they are made, are pointed and instructive and add to the meaning to obscure entries.

    Five — and probably most important — this HYP contains an excellent introduction authored by Mohan. It is amazing. Mohan has accomplished in a short, ten-page introduction, what entire volumes have failed to present, which is a clear explanation of Hatha Yoga, its general overview, and the significance of its practices to the individual aspirant.

    All in all, this is one of the finest versions of the HYP that I have seen.
  • Having read various translations of the Hatha Yoga Pradipika, and each time left feeling underwhelmed by its often contradictory and exaggerated statements, I was eager to read this translation by A.G. Mohan. I knew that if anyone could clarify the subject matter, he could. Right from the beginning, it is clear this is an important analysis, one that points out both practices that may be useful and those that are potentially harmful or misleading. For example, included in the introductory chapter, there is a beautifully written section on Tantric sex practices, which discusses the relevance of these practices on the path of self-transformation. It highlights the need for rational thinking when it comes to deciphering the information contained in this text. Graciously sharing notes he took during his personal studies with his guru, Krishnamancharya, Mohan also shares Krishnamacharya’s views on the various subjects presented in the text. and we too, get to benefit from the master's knowledge and experience. This is an important translation, one that I personally have been waiting some time for, it will be a great reference point, both in my practice and teaching,
  • Having read the Hatha Yoga Pradipika in the past and finding it difficult to absorb, I thank A.G. Mohan and Dr. Ganesh Mohan for presenting us with this clear new translation. The addition of notes from Krishnamacharya and from A.G. Mohan’s long time studies with him, add a dimension of insight that has been missing from other publications. I especially like the organization of the material which offers an introduction that makes the text understandable and accessible to yoga teachers and students alike.
  • I thoroughly enjoyed reading this book. This is a very straight forward, easy to read and contains very valuable insights and practices on classical Hatha Yoga. A.G. Mohan & Dr. Ganesh Mohan did a great job bringing us a new translation set with the English following the Sanskrit verse by verse. Their style is straightforward, clear and elegant. A must for your yoga book collections.
  • I've tried to read this text in other forms before but it made very little sense. This version however is clear, insightful, and practical. It puts these practices into context and provides the essence of Hatha Yoga. It also gives great pointers from Sri Krishamachaya. A must for any Yogi/Yogini on the path👍🏼👍🏼
  • It is wonderful to see Krishnamacharya's wry, brief notes - what he likes and even dislikes and ignores. This is a great way to understand the HYP and make it relevant for a modern yoga practice.
  • This translation is special in that it contains notes from Sri T. Krishnamacharya, as taught directly to his student, A.G. Mohan, during their many years of one to one study. As Krishnamacharya was unique in his practice, knowledge and experience in haá¹­ha-yoga, this book accordingly becomes a gracious gift to today’s yoga students.
    A.G. Mohan’s introduction alone contains much valuable information. He explains why, although an important text on haá¹­ha-yoga, the Haá¹­ha Yoga PradÄ«pikā should be analysed with a “discriminating eye”. He recommends (and includes where relevant) comparisons to sister texts such as Gheranḍa Samhitā and Yoga Yājñavalkya, as well as providing alternatives to some of the practices. He explains that this is precisely the approach that Krishnamacharya followed when teaching this text.
    A.G. Mohan generously offers a window into his studies with Krishnamacharya, and includes a summary of his guru’s guidelines to the practice pathway of classical haṭha-yoga. He reminds us that, if practices are to be useful on the path to yoga, then we must be clear on what we are doing.
  • Great.
