Download PDF Dread of The Earl The Valiant Love Regency Romance A Historical Romance Book edition by Deborah Wilson Religion Spirituality eBooks

Download PDF Dread of The Earl The Valiant Love Regency Romance A Historical Romance Book edition by Deborah Wilson Religion Spirituality eBooks

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  • File Size 5292 KB
  • Print Length 608 pages
  • Simultaneous Device Usage Unlimited
  • Publication Date March 23, 2019
  • Sold by  Digital Services LLC
  • Language English

Dread of The Earl The Valiant Love Regency Romance A Historical Romance Book edition by Deborah Wilson Religion Spirituality eBooks Reviews

  • Kent Harris, the Earl of Ganden, entered the first empty room he could find so that he could try to calm himself. He had been tempted to punch a few lords in the face or toss them bodily out of a window! A short time later, four men entered the room he was in. But this time it was to say they were proud of him because he had restrained himself. One of tonight’s guests had been thoughtlessly and cruelly questioning the five of them about their captivity of two years ago. All of them had been taken prisoner by a madman because of their wealth and their titles the Duke of Astlen, the Marquess of Denhallow, the Marquess of Fawley, and the Viscount of Coalwater. At least one of the survivors was badly scarred on the outside; all of them bore scars on the inside. When they decided to tell him their secret, Astlen said he wasn’t ready to hear it. They had seen the woman he had known as “Harlot”, and with that information, Kent struggled against the three men who held him back until he could regain control. Then he began to tell them his story about her from 4 years previous when Lady Lucy Newpark, Harlot’s real name, betrayed him.

    A good part of this book deals with betrayal of some sort. The story line for me was uncomfortable, not what I usually expected in books such as this, but I won't fault the author for that. The book was well-written and others may be eagerly drawn into the mystery and intrigue.
  • I have been hooked on the Valiant Love series since book 1. When I saw this book that delved into the "Lost Lords" I was excited but when I discovered this one was focused on the Earl of Ganden, I was thrilled! The introduction of the Lost Lords in the last book (Mark of the Marquess) and the intensity of Ganden's fury intrigued me. I am happy to say that my curiosity was completely sated with Dread of the Earl. I couldn't put it down and ended up going to sleep at an indecently late hour! Definitely worth taking the time to read this book. It is a little darker than the average Regency read but that isn't a negative for me as I enjoyed the switch up from the traditional romancy formula that Ms. Wilson has shown a talent toward. She also does well in surprising her readers without the tidbit seeming to come out of left field and there are a couple surprise moments in Kent and Lucy's story. I am a fan for life.
  • Lord Ganden has plenty of reasons to be angry. Prior to being kidnapped his childhood had been terrible and this had had the effect of making his captivity all the worse. Physical violence against people and objects were now his norm. This anger had caused him to pursue searching for the woman he knew only as Harlot since his captivity ended. Lady Lucy had not had an easy life either. Her love for her decease sister and nephew had lead to her living the life basically as a servant. Deborah Wilson has created a series that you don’t want to quit reading. The “lost” Lords hold you captive and the reader wants to know the “rest of the story”. With only two of the Lords married there are hopefully more stories to come. I want to know what happens to the Duke of Astlen, the Marquess of Fawley, Viscount of Coalwater and Colby.
  • In the aftermath of a cruel and torturous kidnapping, Kent, Earl of Ganden is enraged with not only the malicious treatment he received but the betrayal he experienced at the hands of the one woman he allowed to get close to him. In the twenty-first century, Kent would have gone through a debriefing session followed by treatment and therapy to help him adjust to normal society upon his release. However in 1820 Kent had to face his demons in the only way he knew how, mainly through violence and the need to find the servant girl that deprived him of his revenge. Upon meeting Lucy, Kent loses no time in discovering the reasons for her part in the crimes against him and demands that she marry him. Lucy doesn't come into the marriage alone, but she has her young nephew with her, the one person in her life for whom she would sacrifice everything. Young George brings the first ray of healing light into Kent's broken soul. However Lucy is hiding further secrets and as they come out, Kent is devastated by what he discovers. This book is dark and as the reasons for his kidnapping are exposed, one finds that the story is darker still. Kent is almost too late in expressing his true feelings for Lucy, and once again it is young George that makes the way possible for him to reach her heart. This book is part of a series and characters from previous novels appear in this one too. It is nevertheless a standalone and although well written with a well thought out plot, I cannot say that it was always pleasant reading as the story is also highly suspenseful and traumatic. It should, therefore, come with an age restriction and a warning to those who have suffered from violence or PTSD.
