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Download PDF The Secret Audible Audio Edition Rhonda Byrne Simon Schuster Audio Books

Download As PDF : The Secret Audible Audio Edition Rhonda Byrne Simon Schuster Audio Books

Download PDF The Secret Audible Audio Edition Rhonda Byrne Simon Schuster Audio Books

It has been passed down through the ages, highly coveted, hidden, lost, stolen, and bought for vast sums of money. Fragments of this Great Secret have been found in the oral traditions, in literature, in religions and philosophies throughout the centuries. It has been understood by some of the most prominent people in history Plato, Galileo, Beethoven, Edison, Carnegie, and Einstein, along with other renowned inventors, theologians, scientists, and great thinkers.

For the first time, all the pieces of the Secret come together in an incredible revelation that will be life transforming for all who experience it.

In this audiobook you will discover the Secret, and you will learn how to have, do, or be anything you want. You will learn how to use the Secret in every area of your life. You will hear from modern-day teachers - men and women who have used the Secret to achieve health, prosperity, relationships, and happiness. They share their incredible stories of using the Secret to eradicate disease, acquire massive wealth, overcome obstacles, and achieve what many would regard as impossible. Through them, you will begin to understand the hidden, untapped power that is within you, and the true magnificence that awaits you.

Download PDF The Secret Audible Audio Edition Rhonda Byrne Simon Schuster Audio Books

"O watched the film version on Netflix and thought the book would delve more deeply into the law of attraction. Turns out the entire franchise is nothing more than a brilliant marketing campaign. I will definitely give them that. After the book, all I was left with was the sad realization that the Law of attraction really is just that: a mystical makeover for greed. If you just concentrate hard enough in the shiny material things you want, they'll magically and effortlessly gravitate to you... Somehow!"

Product details

  • Audible Audiobook
  • Listening Length 4 hours and 24 minutes
  • Program Type Audiobook
  • Version Unabridged
  • Publisher Simon & Schuster Audio
  • Release Date November 17, 2006
  • Whispersync for Voice Ready
  • Language English, English
  • ASIN B000LC3JX2

Read The Secret Audible Audio Edition Rhonda Byrne Simon Schuster Audio Books

Tags : The Secret (Audible Audio Edition) Rhonda Byrne, Simon Schuster Audio Books, ,Rhonda Byrne, Simon Schuster Audio,The Secret,Simon Schuster Audio,B000LC3JX2

The Secret Audible Audio Edition Rhonda Byrne Simon Schuster Audio Books Reviews :

The Secret Audible Audio Edition Rhonda Byrne Simon Schuster Audio Books Reviews

  • I read this about 10 years ago when it was first released. It was interesting but I put it away and didn't think of it again until recently. Many changes happened in my life over the past ten years. My father suffered a long illness and passed. My mother has been ill. I too became ill, I believe to be caused by stress. These events were definitely life changing. I saw the book and decided to read it again. I think I was at a stage in my life that I could truly appreciate this book more. I can honestly say it has made a significant impact on the way I live my life. I am now reading another book in the series and am applying it every day. I am happier than I have ever been. I highly recommend these books.
  • Absolutely love the quality of this personal book. It has a magnet, red bookmark, inspirational quotes. Its so easy to hold, write, it's beautiful and inspiring. When I do my evening gratitude exercises, I feel like I am writing the most important chart of my life. And it helps to sleep better )
    I also picked a special pen, and now the whole process becomes sacred. I am a deep believer in magnificent power of love and gratitude.
    Everybody without exception should try it (sincerely!) for a month, and see what happens. And then you would do it for life.
    Good luck to all of you, who make their dreams come true.
  • When I first began to read this book I honestly thought it was a crock and a waste of my time and money. I started with an expectation of what I thought the book was about and the style of writing that I should expect. When I initially disagreed with one of the authors viewpoint with in the book and scrutinized another's personal life through research I was almost stop reading, but I decided to continue reading anyway. I made a wise decision to.

    I had heard about the law of attraction before, but never took the time to investigate what it truly meant. As the book unraveled and began to reveal "The Secret," and how to apply it into my life immediately, I allowed myself to be open in receiving whatever insight I could in order to help me overcome several difficulties in my life and achieve a better quality of life overall.

    By the middle of the book I chose to practice some of the techniques that were briefly described through the text just to try it out. For the past 3 weeks I have had pain in the middle of my back. I had even recently gone to a chiropractor to help alleviate my symptoms, which only worked temporarily. The moment I tried the technique of closing my eyes, clearly my mind, and speaking affirmations of confidence and healing something changed. I did not realize the pain in the middle of my pain, which I had been experiencing for weeks, was gone until about 5-10 minutes later when I stopped to stretch. I am not a blogger, I do not receive free books, or any type of compensation for this or any review I ever write. I also am usually one to dispel instant claims of miraculous effects occurring just from reading a text or saying a chant, so when I tell you my pain left and has not been back since I am shocked in a way. I still am secretly wondering when the pain will reappear, but by the continuation of applying the law I highly doubt it will. From that moment I figured if it's that easy then I wonder what life will be like once I apply it to every area of my life.

    By the end of the book and my own personal testament, I was hooked. This is a life changing book and I see why it has sold millions and millions of copies around the world. It really works if you apply and believe. After previewing The Power and The Magic, I intend to read those two as well. This has easily become one of my all-time favorite books and I highly recommend it. Just try it. What do you have to lose?
  • When I first heard about this, I wasn't sure what to think. It sounded a little hokey, to be honest, but then I started reading it and that changed. This book makes you really look at how you see the world and your thoughts about it. You really can change everything. If you're floundering or struggling, read this book. Seriously, you'll be pleasantly surprised!
  • O watched the film version on Netflix and thought the book would delve more deeply into the law of attraction. Turns out the entire franchise is nothing more than a brilliant marketing campaign. I will definitely give them that. After the book, all I was left with was the sad realization that the Law of attraction really is just that a mystical makeover for greed. If you just concentrate hard enough in the shiny material things you want, they'll magically and effortlessly gravitate to you... Somehow!
  • I wish I had read The Secret much earlier in my life. I am 58 years old and have held negative thoughts in my head my entire life. The idea of the Laws of Attraction makes sense to me. I wish this simple concept had been presented to me in this way when I was younger. I hope it is not too late to try and apply this philosophy.
  • can't say i was happy with this because i thought it was a book and I am Christian and I believe Christ wants us to better oursselves and this is basically to help get you into a better place mentally and physically and spiritually. I am keeping it. I saw a review and the woman slammed this and i read thesecond day and it says to have gratitude to shift your energy and you will see miracles take place commit to writting down 100 things a day. WOW it really does help.
  • I put off reading this book for years, convinced there was no "secret", but probably something already revealed in the Scriptures. I was right about the latter, but wrong to have delayed in reading it. As I read, I took notes of where the message was also recorded in the Scriptures. It was a wonderful way of reinforcing what I had known and convinced me to do a better job of living out the Scriptures. I needed this and now was the best time to dive in and embrace this reminder that my life was missing my participation. I had been a mere reader and not a doer. Christ was beckoning me to "only believe" and He sent Rhonda Byrne and "The Secret" to shake me from my slumber and reignite my fire for an abundant life. I've got the message, loud and clear; and I'm grateFULL!
